Spray cooking spray in an oven safe Pyrex baking dish
Roll out 1 can of croissant rolls onto the bottom of the pan, covering the entire dish. This creates the crust as the bottom layer crust.
In a separate bowl, crack and beat 9 eggs
Cook a roll/pack of Jimmy Dean sausage on stove top. Drain the grease out and add the sausage to the eggs
Add the following to the eggs mix: 1 can of Rotel (drain the juice out first), half & half, & cheddar cheese
Mix all that together and pour in the Pyrex over the crescent roll bottom
Add more shredded cheese cheese in the top
Cover with aluminum foil and bake for 45 min at 350F. You may want to take the foil off for the last 5-10 minutes, so the cheese on the top will harden a bit